Deep Woods Ebony 750ml Deep Woods Ebony 750ml
5 stars - "Review for Deep Woods Ebony 750ml" This Deep Woods Ebony 750ml is the best Red Wines I have tried.
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Deep Woods Ebony 750ml

Product ID: 9856

View or buy the Red Wines Red Wines - Deep Woods Ebony 750ml from DEEP WOODS to discover other options and shipping details.


COLOUR: Bright crimson red.

AROMA: Ripe aromas of currants, damson plums and sweet spices.

PALATE: A medium bodied wine bursting with juicy blackberries, cassis, prunes and ripe Damson plums. There is layer of warm mocha spice from oak ageing and soft, firm tannins add a savoury finish and characteristic regional structure.  

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